Thursday, December 20, 2007

Take Time...

to remember and celebrate what's important this week and next week and next year and always.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Best ~


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Milk & Cookies for Santa

What happens at The Petal Pusher when we run low on Christmas decorations for our trees? Sherry and Nicole had the answer last week. Our front window tree is now officially a Milk & Cookies for Santa Tree, happily featuring a Santa appetizer plate set with wall hanger, Fiesta dinnerware mugs and dessert plates, faux cookies and a tumbler filled with (Wait for it......) faux milk. The only thing missing is a carrot for Rudolf. I guess Santa will have to take him a cookie.

Thanks Nicole for the pics and the "milk".

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Old Friends

This weekend we decorated our house for Christmas. Bringing the boxes out of the attic, digging through and deciding who comes out and who stays put - it's a lot like visiting old friends.

I thought you might to meet some of my old friends and learn a little about them.

This is Angie the Christmas Tree Angel. I was in third grade, shopping at Jaqueth's Hardware in my hometown, Libby, Montana. There was this most beautiful to my 8 year old eyes creation. Mom hesitated to purchase her, and during the hesitation I overheard a man complaining to his wife about Christmas ornaments made by those d**n J*ps. I had no idea who they were, or why he was swearing about them. Mom explained (quickly and quietly) that the man had probably fought in "The War" and it is hard for some people to forgive.

I'll never forget that day, the anger in that man's voice or the sadness in my mother's eyes. I'll never have a Christmas without Angie who tempered it all thanks to my dear mom and my third grade teacher Miss Lois Wilson who taught me her song.

The Santa Fam - One of our newest old friends. My pic doesn't show it, but Mrs. Santa is wrapping packages with two little kid elves. Our grandson Zachery was yet to be born, but his mama made sure he was helping me and represented on our tree last year. Mr. Santa is was having a truly tool birthday / Christmas and that's well represented on our tree, too. Happy happy times!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Last summer

Here's a photo of one of my all time favorite Shawnaci creations. Hey Shawnaci, I think you need to make another one of these!

It's been busy here!

Welcome! I'm finally sitting still long enough to actually start the blog!

It's been looking like Christmas here at The Petal Pusher since early November. We keep selling stuff and rearranging. Sherry put this great display together after we denuded the "Chocolate Tree". I'll bet you'd never know anything was missing if I hadn't told you.