Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spring Open House ~ Save The Date!

Thursday, March 6th. 4 in the afternoon until 7:30 in the evening.

We think it's time for a party, so here's what we've done.

Sherry and Shawnaci have created very cool spring and summer floral designs.

With Joan and Nicole's help we're bringing in great spring and summer home accents.

For wine tasting we've rounded up a great little winery, Wheatridge In The Nook.

For tasty noshes Hermiston's soon to be famous Bon Appetit Catering company is on board.

Add to this some very fun hand painted one of a fashion accessories by Bling'n Things.

Now throw in samples of our gourmet chocolates.

Sounds great, yes? Invitations will be in the mail on Friday. If you don't get one it's because I don't have your mailing address. Just email me and I'll be sure you're included.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Baby Baby

Did you know that we have a really trendy and fun baby section? We do.

Piggy banks LARGE to small, picture frames, stuffed stuff, bath squirties, first aid kits, picture frames and of course fresh flowers to celebrate baby's birth and homecoming.

Might I suggest sending those flowers in a Fiesta coffee mug? There's a reason they're displayed with the baby stuff. Just right for coffee in the morning and warm milk at night. After all Mommy and Daddy need some pampering too.

Just last week we brought in a line of baby skin care products that I'm really really excited about. It's an Oregon line that Liz and I discovered on our scouting expedition last month.

I really think that the Baby Bubbles is the very best and most soothing non-tear baby bath product on the market.

Baby Butter is a wonderful cream and the Rear Schmear is doing wonders for a certain baby boy's diaper rash. Not so fancy packaging, just simple good stuff inside.

A Bouquet For a Special Bride

Last week we had the pleasure of providing wedding flowers for a small and special wedding ceremony. Here's the bouquet that Shawnaci created. Simple and stunning and just right. I wish my pictures did it justice.

Designing for Dog Food

Strange title for flower shop post, yes?

Well.... January is a slow month in this business, so lots of shop restocking and rearranging gets done. Last week our granddaughter / merchandiser in training spent the afternoon helping at the shop and we seriously had a blast.

While I was distracted with another project she was quite busy in the front of the shop. Here is what she was creating. It's titled "Designing for Dog Food" and was announced as such. "Come on everybody! Come and see designing for dog food."

I can't quite get compeletly inside of the three year old mind, but you will notice 2 stuffed doggies and a bear in the mix. They're lined up in front of a notebook and some candles and look very much like they are judging a contest. I love it!