What's a floral shop owner to do the week after Valentine's? A bridal show of course! We joined forces with our friend Lina who owns The River Garden and welcomed brides, friends of brides, mothers of brides, church wedding planners & other happy wanderers to our little spot at The Hermiston Bridal Show. It was great fun & we loved meeting and greating and showing off a small example of my designers' beautiful work as well as showcase Lina's perfect event garden.
Now, if only I would have had my friend Shannon (
www.definingdetails.com) take these pictures instead of Moi. She has cameras with names and knows how to use them. My Nikon point and shoot, well.... not so great. My camera skills... seriously not so great. BUT I had so much fun and Lina did such a wonderful staging of our corner that I just have to share.
Well if I would have known I would have been happy to take pictures for you. Although I think you did are darn good job...and now I think your camera needs a name too!
I am Shannon's Mom and I have to say I love your shop and try to get to it every time I am in town as I did a couple of week-ends ago.
The arrangements in the pictures are beautiful, I love white and green, so elegant, you did a great job. Thanks for putting the pics on your site.
Corean Andrews
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